Whether or not you should give your chickens citrus fruits is a contentious topic among backyard flock owners. Personally, I don’t see there's any harm in small amounts. Can chickens eat ...
How Do Chickens Clean Themselves? | Dust Baths Explained
Ever wondered how chickens keep their feathers looking so shiny and clean? Wondering if you’re supposed to help bathe your chickens? Read on for a lesson in chicken hygiene! How do chickens clean ...
Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin Pie? (Pumpkin Yes; Pie No)
Pumpkin pie is a bit of an acquired taste. It's popular around Halloween when there is plenty of spare pumpkin in circulation. In some parts of the world, it's even a popular treat ...
Can Chickens Eat Cranberries? (Yep, Here's Why)
Fresh or dried, cranberries are a delicious superfood. Whether you grow them yourself or pick them up from the store, your right to check they’re safe for your flock. Can chickens eat cranberries? ...
Can Chickens Eat Crab Apples? (Safety Tips)
Crab apples and normal apples both belong to the same plant are essentially the same. It’s just that crab apples are smaller and can taste more tart in most cases. Can chickens eat crab apples? ...
Can Male Chickens Lay Eggs? (No, But...)
It’s not as crazy of a question as you may think, I’ve heard it asked a few times. The answer is always the same though... Can male chickens lay eggs? No, it’s not physically or anatomically ...
Can Chickens Eat Spaghetti Squash?
I love spaghetti squash. It’s healthy, easy to cook with and prepare, has a mild, sweet taste, and has an interesting texture. Can chickens eat spaghetti squash? Yes, chickens can eat spaghetti ...
When Do Chickens Start Chirping in the Egg?
Hatching eggs is one of the most exciting (and nervous) things I’ve ever experienced. If you’re going through this right now and you’re hearing little chirping noises, all is going well! When ...
Do Chickens Produce Milk? (The Surprising Truth)
It’s not that crazy of a question. There are lots of farmyard animals that produce milk, some we drink and some we don’t. Do chickens produce milk? No, chickens do not produce milk. Only mammals ...
What Do Roosters Look Like? | How to Identify a Rooster
It can be difficult to tell the difference between male and female chickens, especially when they’re young. Here are some characteristics to look out for that’ll help you separate the hens from the ...
Can Chickens Drink Milk? (+ Other Dairy and Food Options)
If you’re looking for foods and drinks to share with your chickens, you might be considering milk. After all, most animals love milk. Before you go ahead, there are some things you need to be aware ...
Can Chickens Eat Acorns? (Surprising Risks)
Oak trees are common across the U.S. and most parts of the world. But, did you know that most species of oak trees (Quercus spp) are considered toxic to animals? Can chickens eat acorns? Chickens ...
Are Organic Chickens Fed Soy? | Soy-Free Feeds
There’s been a lot of conflicting opinions on whether or not soy is good for chickens over the years. Whichever side you’re on or whatever your reasons, you deserve to know what’s in the feeds ...
Can Chickens Eat Coconut Oil? (Benefits and Applications)
As a “superfood” with numerous health benefits and applications, you’re probably familiar with coconut oil. Can chickens eat coconut oil? Chickens can eat coconut oil, yes. Not only do they love it ...
Do We Eat Male Chickens? What's Rooster Meat Taste Like?
Most of the chickens that end up on the supermarket shelves and our tables are females (hens). There are a few reasons for this, as I will explain in this article. Do we eat male chickens? We can ...
Chick Pipped but Not Hatching | What You Should Do
If you’re hatching eggs, it can be a nerve-racking experience. All being well, you’ll notice a pip around day 20, and your baby chick should unzip and hatch on day 21. Has your chick pipped but not ...
What Is an Egg Tooth? | How Chicks Hatch
Ever wondered how chicks - and other animals that hatch from eggs - crack open and break their eggshells so they can enter the world? I know I did, so here’s how they do it! What is an egg tooth? ...
Do Chickens Have Taste Buds? (Yes, but Not Many!)
When you watch chickens gobbling up everything and anything they come across it makes you wonder what, if anything they can taste, doesn’t it? Do chickens have taste buds? Yes, recent studies have ...
14 Interesting Facts About Black Star Chickens!
Looking for facts about Black Star chickens? You’ve landed in the right place. I’m a big fan of Black Star chickens. I like their coloring and markings, they are big hardy birds, great layers, and ...
Do Chickens Have Hollow Bones? | Chicken Facts
Chickens are fascinating animals. There are so many things about their anatomical makeup that play a vital role in their existence. In this article, I’m going to explain why some of their bones are ...
Can Hens Crow Like Roosters? (The Surprising Truth!)
Picture this. You have some backyard hens - not a rooster - because you don’t want the noise disruption of 4 am crowing or you’re not allowed one due to local laws. Then you hear crowing coming ...
How Far Will Free Range Chickens Roam? (Not Far!)
Letting chickens out loose to roam free for the first time is incredibly nerve-racking. Will they come back? Do I have to fetch them before dark? How far will free range chickens roam? As long as ...
How Long to Keep Chickens in Coop Before Free Range?
There are loads of benefits to letting your backyard chickens go free-range. You’re right to be anxious about letting them roam the first time, but it’ll be fine as I’ll explain. How long to keep ...
Can Chickens Get Coronavirus? Risks of COVID-19 To Pets
The coronavirus is now a global pandemic. With more than 145,000 people confirmed as infected at the time of writing this and the daily lives of millions of people disrupted, you’re right to be ...
Can Chickens Eat Quinoa? (Nutritionally-Dense Grain)
Quinoa is one of the most popular health foods in the world. It’s also a grain so it seems like it would be an excellent choice for backyard chickens, doesn’t it? Can chickens eat quinoa? Yes, ...
Can Chickens Eat Rhubarb? (Leaves Are Poisonous!)
Rhubarb is an interesting vegetable. It has a crunchy and juicy texture, with a sour and tart taste that isn’t for everyone. It’s pretty easy to grow in the garden though. So, if you have backyard ...
Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potatoes? (Yes, Nutritious Treat)
Sweet potatoes are awesome vegetables. They are lower in carbohydrates than normal potatoes while being higher in antioxidants, vitamins, and some other important nutrients. Can chickens eat sweet ...
Can Chickens Eat Pineapple? (Safe Parts of the Fruit)
Pineapple is a popular fruit as it’s one of the sweeter tasting ones and it compliments drinks as well as foods. Can chickens eat pineapple? Yes, chickens can eat pineapple. It’s one of the ...
Can Chickens Eat Oranges? (Why Citrus Is Fine)
You’ve probably heard that chickens shouldn’t eat citrus fruits, right? Well, there’s nothing toxic or harmful about citrus fruits, it’s more so that the smell is so strong they tend to avoid ...
Can Chickens Eat Cat Food? (A High Protein Food)
If you’re running low on chicken feed and looking for alternatives, it might seem like a good idea to share your cat’s food with your flock. Cats and chickens have very different dietary requirements ...
Can Chickens Eat Grapes? (Types, Feeding Tips)
I love grapes. They’re juicy, tasty, and most importantly don’t require peeling or removing seeds (yes, I’m lazy like that). If you’re wondering if you can share your grapes with your chickens, ...
Can Chickens Eat Zucchini? (Yes, How to Feed It)
Zucchinis or courgettes as they are more commonly called in other parts of the world are a popular vegetable for keen gardeners to grow in their garden. If you also have backyard chickens it raises ...
Can Chickens Eat Yams?+ Lists of Good & Bad Foods
Adding some vegetables to your chicken’s diet is a great way to add some variety to their diet, and more importantly some good nutrition. Can chickens eat yams? Yes, chickens can eat yams. In fact, ...
Can Chickens Eat Mushrooms?
If you have wild mushrooms growing where your chickens roam free you need to do some investigating to make sure they’re safe. With more than 10,000 known species of mushrooms ranging from perfectly ...
Can Chickens Eat Figs? (Yes, Video Included)
If you have a fig tree in your yard or enjoy eating figs yourself, you’re probably wondering if you can share them with your flock, right? Can chickens eat figs? Yes, chickens can eat figs. While ...
Can Chickens Eat Sausage? (Yes, With a Caveat)
Chickens love table scraps and it’s always tempting to offer them anything we have leftover. It’s always good to check that the food you’re giving them is 100% safe though. Can chickens eat ...
Can Chickens Eat Lentils? (+ How to Sprout Them)
Lentils, it’s one of those foods that always seems to be in the back of the cupboard. I’m not going to recommend any creative dishes for you, in this article I’m looking at whether or not you can feed ...
Do Chickens Have Tongues? + More Questions
Have you ever looked at your chicken eating or drinking and wondered, “do chickens have tongues?” I know I have. Chickens do have tongues, yes. Small tongues that they aren’t able to stick out ...
5 High Protein Foods for Molting Chickens + Tips & Info
This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info. Chickens molt for the first time when they’re around 18 months old, and every year thereafter. This means they ...
57+ Rooster Names in Spanish & Other Spanish Name Ideas
Naming a rooster is not something you should take lightly. The rooster rules the roost of the backyard flock, and most of them mean business. So, giving them an awesome name that reflects their ...