Chickens love table scraps, fruits (like apples), vegetables, and other foods we share with them. Just as I think I speak on behalf of most backyard chicken owners when I say we enjoy sharing ...
Do Chickens Eat Fireflies? (Why They're Toxic)
Seeing loads of fireflies also known as lightning bugs flying around in the night sky is always a cool sight. These little insects aren’t as cute as you may think though... Do chickens eat ...
Do Chickens Eat Snails? + Other Garden Bugs
Of all the benefits owning backyard chickens brings, clearing a yard of insects, bugs, and creepy crawlies is one of them. Whether or not their finds are safe is another thing... Do chickens eat ...
Can Chickens Eat Mulberries? (Purple Poop Warning!)
If your chickens are free range you’ll be very aware that they eat anything they come across. The leaves and fruits of plants, bugs and insects, and most things in between. Can chickens eat ...
What Is the Difference Between a Hen and a Chicken?
I’ve been around chickens for years, so I’m familiar with all the terms and words used to describe male and female chickens. For a lot of people, all the various terms can be confusing though. What ...
How to Tell the Age of a Chicken: Several Signs to Look For
When you buy chicks or chickens from a breeder you’ll almost certainly be told how old they are. However, if you’re adopting or being given chickens by some other means and not told their age it ...
How Many Times a Day Should I Feed My Chickens? + Tips
How often and how much to feed chickens is one of the first questions new backyard flock owners ask. It’s not complicated though, here’s everything you need to know about feeding chooks. How many ...
Do Silkie Hens Have Combs and Wattles?
Silkie hens do have combs and wattles, yes. They are usually dark purple-black, sometimes blend in with the color of their skin or are covered by feathers, but they are there if you look! What ...
When Do Silkies Start Laying Eggs?
Silkies start laying eggs later than a lot of chicken breeds. Typically, they will not lay their first egg until they are at least 7 months of age, and it’s often nearer 9-10 months. Do Silkie ...
Do Silkies Roost? + Best Roosting Bar Options
Silkies are one of the cutest and most fun backyard chicken breeds with some unique differences over most chickens. If you’ve been around them, you will have noticed they aren’t the most agile. Do ...
7 Ways How to Tell Male and Female Silkies Apart
If you’re looking for ways how to tell male and female Silkies apart, there are some physical and behavioral characteristics that can help you determine the sex. Silkies are one of the harder ...
Silkie Rooster Characteristics: How to Tell a Rooster From a Hen
There’s no doubting Silkie chickens are very different from all other chicken breeds. In fact, you’re forgiven if the first time you see a Silkie you don’t even think it’s a chicken. In this ...
How to Stop a Neighbor's Rooster From Crowing
If you’re being disturbed, tormented, or kept awake at night by your neighbor’s roosters crowing it can be incredibly frustrating and annoying. Any form of noise pollution can have a negative ...
California Grey Chicken: Size, Egg Laying, Facts…
The California Grey Chicken is a breed of chicken that was developed during the 1930s by Professor James Dryden to meet the market demand for white eggs. It’s not one of the more common breeds in ...
Black Star Chickens: Size, Egg Laying, Facts…
Black Star chickens are a favorite among the homesteading and backyard keeping community as they are hardy, social, and prolific egg layers. The Black Star is a sex-linked crossbreed created from a ...
Are All Male Chickens Roosters?
There are various names and terms for chickens; pullets, point-of-lay, cockerels, roosters, hens...let’s take a look at male chickens and clear up some myths. Are all male chickens roosters? Yes, ...
How Many Eggs Can a Broody Hen Sit On?
With spring comes a change in mood for some hens along with the weather. Don’t be surprised if you have a broody hen on your hands looking to incubate eggs. How many eggs can a broody hen sit on? A ...
Why Are There so Many Chickens in Key West?
Of all the wonderful and interesting sights to see in Key West, there’s one feature that most people leave talking about - that large number of wild chickens on the streets. Why are there so many ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in Pennsylvania | Chicks for Sale
Looking for a chicken hatchery in Pennsylvania to find and buy some baby chicken, chickens, or maybe some hatching eggs? The good news is you’re spoiled for choice! There are loads of hatcheries ...
Do Chickens Eat Spiders? (They Do!)
No one wants to come across 8-legged creepy crawlies in their yard...well most people (me) don’t. Chickens, on the other hand, are always happy to see them! Do Chickens Eat Spiders? Chickens do eat ...
Fire Ant Killer That Is Safe for Chickens: Diatomaceous Earth
Fire ants are one of the most annoying backyard pests, especially if you keep chickens. They will sting and annoy your flock, destroy crops, get in their feed, infest their coop... What fire ant ...
Do Chickens Eat Mosquitoes? (Is It Dangerous?)
Mosquitoes are one of the many annoying pests that we have around here in the summer, and they’re known to carry diseases. Wondering if they pose any risks to your backyard flock? Do chickens eat ...
How Do Rats Carry Chicken Eggs? (Or Don't They..)
Are you suspecting a predator is stealing your chickens’ eggs during the night? Dogs, snakes, birds, and rats are all capable of stealing eggs. How do rats carry chicken eggs? Rats don’t often ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in Maryland | Chicks for Sale
Looking for a chicken hatchery in Maryland to buy some fertilized eggs, baby chicks, or backyard chickens? I’ve put together a list of all the chicken hatcheries I was able to find selling poultry ...
Do Chickens Eat Flies? (Risks and Tips to Rid Them)
If you keep backyard chickens, you almost certainly have flies in your yard too. Here’s everything you need to know about the potential risks flies present to your chickens, and how to get rid of ...
Do Chickens Eat Stink Bugs? (Foul-Smelling But Safe)
I hate stink bugs, I really do. They more than live up to their names by releasing a foul-smelling spray when they feel threatened. If you have stink bugs and chickens in your yard, you’re probably ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in Tennessee | Chicks for Sale
Are you looking for hatching eggs to incubate at home, baby chicks, or chickens for sale in Tennessee? If so, I’ve done some digging and put together a list of all the hatcheries in Tennessee I was ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in Vermont | Chicks for Sale
Are you trying to find hatching eggs, baby chicks or chickens for sale in Vermont? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve put together a list of chicken hatcheries in Vermont, as well as some of the ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in Washington | Chicks for Sale
Looking for a chicken hatchery in Washington state to buy chicks, hatching eggs, or chickens? I’ve done some research and listed all the hatcheries I was able to confirm are currently trading to ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in West Virginia | Chicks for Sale
Looking for chicken hatcheries in West Virginia? If you want to buy baby chicks, hatching eggs, chickens, or other poultry, I’ve put together a list of all the hatcheries I could find offering ...
Can Chickens Eat Prunes? (Little Too Sugary!)
Prunes are interesting fruits. They’re basically just dried up plums, and it’s a bit of an old wives tale but they‘re good for helping you maintain a “regular” digestive system and avoid ...
Can Chickens Eat Raspberries? (Absolutely!)
Chickens love berries, and most of them offer some great health benefits. They also have the added benefit of giving chickens something to pick themselves if you want to grow your own plants. Can ...
Can Chickens Eat Blueberries? (Superfoods for Chooks)
As an antioxidant superfood, we could all do with more blueberries in our diets. Personally, I love them, and I share them with my backyard flock on occasion too. Can chickens eat blueberries? This ...
Can Chickens Eat Spinach? (Healthy Treat Foods)
In addition to a good quality commercial feed, feeding your chickens some fresh fruit, vegetables, and leafy greens help provide a balanced diet to keep your flock in optimal health. Can chickens ...
Can Chickens Eat Kiwi Fruit? (Benefits & Facts)
It’s fun feeding fruits and vegetables to our backyard flock, isn’t it? They are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and other key nutritional content, and most are perfectly safe for them. Can ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in New Jersey | Chicks for Sale
Looking for chicks, hatching eggs, and chickens for sale in New Jersey? I’ve put together a list of chicken hatcheries in New Jersey to help you find those new chicks! Take a look at the listings ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in New Hampshire | Chicks for Sale
Looking for a chicken hatchery in New Hampshire? Want to find chicks, hatching eggs, and chickens for sale near you? I wanted to put together a listing of all the hatcheries and farms in New ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in Nevada | Chicks for Sale
Live in Nevada and keep backyard chickens? Looking for a chicken hatchery in Nevada to pick up more chicks, chickens, or hatching eggs? I like finding reputable hatcheries to recommend to backyard ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in Montana | Chicks for Sale
Trying to find a chicken hatchery in Montana near you? If you’re looking for hatching eggs, baby chicks, or chickens, for your backyard flock, it’s not easy to find a hatchery in Montana. I did ...
List of Chicken Hatcheries in Minnesota | Chicks for Sale
Looking for a chicken hatchery in Minnesota to buy chicks, chickens, or hatching eggs for your backyard flock? I’ve done some research into farms, hatcheries, and poultry sellers in the state of ...