Chickens can eat pine nuts, yes. In fact, like most nuts pine nuts are a great source of protein and other important vitamins and minerals which are beneficial to backyard chickens. Are Pine Nuts ...
Can Chickens Eat Almonds? (+ Other Nuts)
Chickens can eat almonds, yes. There are two types of almonds, however; sweet almonds and bitter almonds. Sweet almonds are the common type we eat and are fine. Bitter almonds are potentially toxic ...
Can Chickens Eat Papaya? (+ Benefits of Fruits & Veggies)
Yes, chickens can eat papaya. It’s one of the many fruits that’s great for them as it’s rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. As long as backyard chickens are getting most of their diet ...
Can Chickens Eat Pistachios? (+ Other Nuts)
Chickens can eat pistachios, yes. Just make sure you break the nuts into smaller pieces if necessary, make sure they’re unsalted, and remove the shells. They’ll likely gobble them up as fast as you ...
Can Chickens Eat Mashed Potatoes? (+ Other Good/Bad Foods)
Yes, chickens can eat mashed potatoes. You’ll probably find your flock can’t get enough of them too if you offer them some. In moderation, mashed or left-over cooked potatoes are fine. As are most ...
Do Chickens Have Webbed Feet? | Chicken Facts
Chickens do not have webbed feet, no. A lot of birds do have webbed feet, especially those that swim, of course. Sometimes chickens are born with some webbing, if it’s an issue it can be ...
Do Chickens Have Fingers? | Interesting Chicken Facts
In this article, I’m addressing something that doesn’t quite add up….when eating out or browsing the freezer section of the supermarket you’ll see something called “chicken fingers” for sale. Yet, ...
Do Chickens Have Lips? | Chicken Facts
No, chickens do not have lips. Chickens are birds, and as such, they have a beak in place of lips that better serve them. They don’t have teeth either, although they do have tongues. It’s not as ...
Can Chickens Eat Dragon Fruit? An Interesting & Tasty Fruit!
Yes, chickens can eat dragon fruits also called a strawberry pear or a pitaya. Personally, I love this tropical tasting fruit, so I always have it in the summer. The skin is a little tough, just give ...
Can Chickens Eat Artichokes? A Look At These Thistles
Yes, chickens can eat artichokes. They tend to be a bit tough raw, so I’d recommend giving them leftover cooked artichokes. It’s perfectly safe, however, and in my experience chickens love ...
Can Chickens Eat Okra? (+ Other Fruits and Veggies)
Yes, chickens can eat okra in small amounts. Okra is one of the more interesting fruits. It’s eaten like a vegetable, isn’t widely available in most states, and has a uniquely interesting “earthy” ...
Can Chickens Eat Cornmeal? (+ Other Grains)
Yes, chickens can eat cornmeal. Cornmeal is basically dried ground corn. Most chickens eat corn, grains, and cereal grains as they are included in most commercial feeds. The best thing about ...
Red Star Chickens: Size, Egg Laying, Facts…
Red Star Chickens were developed in the 1950s to be a hardy dual-purpose chicken. For this reason, they’ve long been a popular choice for poultry breeders, homesteaders, and backyard owners. The ...
Can Chickens Drink Beer? (Drunk Chickens!)
Can chickens drink beer? Is it bad for them? By this, I mean is it any more harmful than it is for us ... These aren’t as crazy questions as you may think. I mean, first of all, you’re here reading ...
Do Chickens Beaks Grow Back? (Injuries and Trimming)
Has your chicken broken the tip of their beak? Are you interested to learn more about beak trimming? Interested to know, do chickens beaks grow back? A chicken’s beak does continue to grow ...
Do Chickens Breastfeed? (How Hens Care for Chicks)
Watching a mother hen care for her young is one of the cutest and most fascinating and enjoyable things. But have you ever wondered how they feed their chicks? Do chickens breastfeed or nurse ...
Do Chickens Eat Japanese Beetles?
Chickens do eat Japanese Beetles, yes. In fact, what insects, bugs, and pests do chickens not eat? There aren’t many! Japanese Beetles are fine for chickens to eat. They provide some decent ...
Do Chickens Snore? (Videos Included)
Some chickens do snore, yes. It can sound like anything from a mild wheeze to full-blown heavy breathing. It can indicate a respiratory issue, but it’s also perfectly normal for some chickens to make ...
Can Chickens Eat French Fries? (Video Included)
Mixing up your flock’s diet with table scraps and foods you have spare is a great way to bond with them and let them try out some new foods. You have to be careful about what you give chickens ...
Do Hens Have Spurs? (Some Do, Yes!)
We all know that roosters have spurs. But have you ever stopped and thought, do hens have spurs too? It’s not such a crazy question. Because some hens do grow spurs too! Not all hens. And ...
Do Chickens Need Water at Night?
Generally speaking, chickens do not need water at night when they’re locked up in their coop to sleep, no. In fact, a lot of starter or smaller coops don’t have space for a waterer inside. Plus, a ...
Do Chickens Have Toes? (Yes, 4..5.. It Depends)
Chickens do have toes, yes. Most breeds have 4 toes, although there are some breeds that have five. They also have claws on the ends of their toes which they use to scratch around, climb, and ...
Do Chickens Burp? (They Do, Here's Why)
Chickens do burp, yes. It’s not exactly the same as when we burp, but there is no mistaking the burping noises chickens make when they eat too fast or have gastrointestinal tract issues. Can ...
Do Chickens Have Umbilical Cords? (& Belly Buttons)
Are you wondering; do chickens have umbilical cords? This is an interesting question. Some people ask out of curiosity. Some people ask when they hatch a chick at home and see what looks like an ...
35 Interesting Facts About Chickens for Kindergarteners!
Looking for facts about chickens for kindergartners? If you want to help your little ones learn about chickens while keeping them interested with fun facts - below you’ll find 35 interesting facts ...
Can Chickens Eat Plums? (+ Other Fruits)
Can chickens eat plums? Is the skin and pits/stones also safe for them? If you’re interested in feeding your chickens some scraps to add some variety to their diet. Or, maybe you’re lucky enough ...
How Much to Feed Rhode Island Red Chickens?
Rhode Island Reds are prolific egg layers. To keep them healthy and laying at maximum capacity you can expect a Rhode Island Red to eat at least ¼ lb of quality layer feed a day. What Should I ...
Can Chickens Smell? (How They Use Their Sense of Smell)
Can chickens smell things as well as we can? They certainly tend to turn their beaks up at certain foods, are great at finding scraps to eat on the floor, start to recognize people, and do some ...
Do Chickens Blink? (Kind Of, Yes, But..)
If you’ve paid close attention to your chicken’s eyes, you may have noticed something unusual… Their eyelids don’t move, yet they are able to keep their eyes clean of debris and dirt. So, do ...
Are Chickens Color Blind? (Nope, Here's Proof)
Anyone who has owned backyard chickens knows that chickens have excellent eyesight. They can spot a tiny insect or something shiny much further away than we can. But what about colors - are ...
Are Chickens Blind at Night? (Pretty Much, Yes)
If you’ve interacted with your chickens at night when it’s dark, you may have noticed something… Chickens really can’t see very well at night. In fact, they are often referred to as having night ...
Do Chickens Have Eyelashes? (Important Questions Answered!)
Today, I’m answering one of the more important chicken-related chickens have eyelashes? That’s right. Of all the questions that come up from time-to-time, this is one of them. If ...
Do Chickens Have Eyebrows? (Facts & Myths)
In this article, I’m answering a burning question I know you want to know the answer to (that’s why you’re here!) - do chickens have eyebrows? Why Do We Have Eyebrows? Have you ever wondered why ...
Can Chickens Eat Brussel Sprouts? (Absolutely!)
Can chickens eat Brussel sprouts? Are they healthy for chickens? Do they like the taste (lots of people hate sprouts, but I love them)? If you want to know the answers to these questions and learn ...
Can Chickens Eat Pomegranate? (Superfood; Super Good)
Have leftover pomegranates in the fridge? Don’t eat the seeds yourself? Wondering, can chickens eat pomegranate and seeds? Chickens can eat pomegranates, yes. They are not toxic or harmful in any ...
Do Chickens Eat Scorpions? (Risk & Reward)
There are few creatures scarier (to me at least) than scorpions. If you’ve spotted a scorpion in your chicken coop or backyard, you need to identify if it’s dangerous or not. Do chickens eat ...
Can Chickens Eat Red Cabbage? (Benefits, Facts)
A neighbor of mine grows cabbages, red cabbages no less. He often sends some my way, which I always appreciate, and so does my backyard flock! Can chickens eat red cabbage? Yes, red cabbage is one ...
Can Chickens Eat Onions? (Affect Egg Taste?)
You’ve probably heard that onions are bad for most household pets like cats and dogs. So, can chickens eat onions? Are they safe for chickens? There is an interesting answer to this one actually. ...
Can You Eat Silkie Chicken Eggs? (Yes!)
Silkies are one of the most lovable, friendly, cute, and fun backyard chicken breeds. They are certainly the most unique and distinguishable, there’s no denying that. They also lay interesting ...
Do All Roosters Have Spurs? (Surprising Facts)
You’ve probably seen that longer claw-like thing sticking out from the back of a rooster’s leg just above the ankle, right? That’s called a spur. In this article, I’m answering some common ...