White Leghorn’s egg color is white.
The Leghorn breed is often used to create highly productive egg-laying birds producing large numbers of eggs we see for sale in supermarkets.
They’re not super popular as backyard pets, but as I'll explain, they play an important role ‘behind the scenes’ in the poultry industry.
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Do All Leghorns Lay White Eggs?
All recognized varieties of Leghorns do lay white eggs, yes.
But crossbreeds, sex-links, and hybrid chickens created by breeding Leghorns with other breeds of chickens are capable of laying different color eggs.
Leghorns are such a prolific egg-laying breed of chicken that they’re often used to create birds used in egg farms.
I think it’s safe to say that most of the white eggs you see being sold in grocery stores and supermarkets come from Leghorns unless the box specifies otherwise.
Related - Do all white chickens lay white eggs? (Actually, no!)
What Color Are White Leghorn Chickens?
This sounds like an obvious question, but I do see it being asked so I figured I’d answer it - White Leghorn chickens are white!
White Leghorns are white all over, with a bright red single or rose comb and large wattles.
One way to describe them is that they have the ‘classic’ chicken look. They look a lot like white broilers, actually, but Leghorns are not used for meat in a commercial setting.
Do Leghorn Chickens Come In Different Colors?
Like most breeds of chicken, Leghorns come in a range of colors and varieties.
The American Poultry Association currently accepts 12 large fowl varieties and a number of bantam varieties with both rose and single combs.
The UK Leghorn Club recognizes an even higher number of colors, and in reality, there are many more colors that come out of crossing breeds.
I would say the most popular colors of Leghorns are White, Black, Buff, Dark Brown, Light Brown, and Silver.
If you’re looking for a more ‘exotic’ color, I recommend seeking out the Lavender, Red, Pyle, or Mottled varieties - some of them look really stunning.
How Many Eggs Do Leghorns Lay?
I’m sure you’ve heard that Leghorns are one of the best egg-laying breeds, but you might not be aware of just how prolific they are.
I looked at a bunch of estimates, as the number of eggs any chicken lays varies a lot across a year, and the average guess is that Leghorns lay around 280-300 eggs per year.
That is a lot of eggs!
That works out at around 6 eggs per week. The impressive thing about that is that it takes chickens around 24-26 hours to produce an egg from start to the moment it pops out.
So, it wouldn’t be physically possible for Leghorns to lay many more eggs - even hens need a day off, you know.
In fact, I was able to find that the chicken that has been credited with the world record for laying the most eggs in a year is actually a Leghorn.
According to an entry in the Guinness Book of Records dating back to 1915, a chicken called Lady Eglantine laid an impressive 314 eggs in a 365 day period!
So, there is no question that Leghorns are prolific egg-laying birds.
Where to Buy Leghorn Chickens and Bantams
If you’re looking to buy Leghorn hatching eggs or Leghorn chickens, I recommend checking out Cackle Hatchery.
I buy all my poultry online with Cackle Hatchery. They’ve always provided excellent customer service, and have one of - if not the - largest range of chicken breeds to choose from.
I took a look at what they had in stock at the time of writing this (keep in mind that availability is always subject to change), and Cackle Hatchery had a number of Leghorn varieties.
They were selling White, Brown, and Black Leghorn chicks starting from just $2.20 depending on the number you purchase, and they were also selling the rare Isabell Leghorns.
Cackle Hatchery were also selling hatching eggs if you wanted to hatch your own Leghorn chicks, which is always a fun and rewarding experience.
They had brown and white hatching eggs at the time of writing this, with prices starting at just $3.84 per egg. Again, depending on the order quantity and so on.
Click here to see the varieties of Leghorn chickens and hatching eggs available on Cackle Hatchery!
Are Leghorns a Good Backyard Breed?
Leghorns are not the most popular choice for a backyard breed or a homestead chook, but they do make excellent pets.
I can’t speak for everyone, but personally, the only reason I think Leghorns are popular as backyard birds is because they look kind of bland.
When choosing chickens as pets, most people are attracted to the bright, colorful, and slightly unusual.
That’s pretty much how it goes for most pets, right?
Honestly, with so many different breeds and varieties, it’s also hard to settle on which breed you think will be best for you.
But the truth is, you’re missing out by passing over on Leghorns.
Leghorns check most of the boxes for being a good backyard breed. They’re cold-weather hardy, have a curious and fun personality, and of course, they lay A LOT of eggs.
If you’re thinking about making a few bucks on side selling eggs, that should sway you towards having a few Leghorns.
In Summary
White Leghorns are one of the most prolific white egg-laying chicken breeds. White eggs are the same as brown, the only difference is literally the color of the shell.
Yet, due to being rarer, white eggs are often in higher demand. If you want a white egg-laying machine, I recommend raising Leghorns as part of your backyard flock!