Wyandotte chickens start laying eggs between 18 to 20 weeks of age (around 5 months). They tend to mature slightly faster than average. Once laying, you can expect up to 200 medium to large brown eggs per year.
Jump to:
- How Many Eggs Do Wyandottes Lay?
- What Color Eggs Do Wyandottes Lay?
- How Long Do Wyandotte Chickens Lay Eggs?
- Some History and Facts About Wyandotte Chickens
- Varieties recognized by the American Poultry Association:
- Where To Buy Wyandotte Chickens, Chicks, and Hatching Eggs
- Are Wyandottes a Good Choice for a Backyard Breed?
How Many Eggs Do Wyandottes Lay?
I asked around within the backyard chicken community and everyone gave me the same answer; Wyandottes lay around 200 eggs per year.
That works out at about 4 per week. Which, taking into account it takes up to 26 hours to produce an egg, you can’t ask for a lot more than that.
Sure, they don’t produce as many eggs as the most prolific laying breeds, such as Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds, but you’re not going to be short of eggs with a flock of Wyandottes.
They are a little more on the broody side than some other breeds. So, make sure you keep on top of collecting eggs and separate any hens if they do go broody.
Alternatively, if you want to see a hen sit on a clutch of eggs and hatch them - which is an awesome experience - this is a good breed to do that with.
What Color Eggs Do Wyandottes Lay?
They lay the classic brown color egg we are all used to seeing in supermarkets. In fact, there is a good chance you’ve bought eggs laid by a Wyandotte at some point I bet.
There are breeds that lay different colored eggs. If you’re after a more unique color of egg, check out this post featuring breeds that lay white eggs, and this one for breeds that lay blue eggs.
How Long Do Wyandotte Chickens Lay Eggs?
Everywhere I look, I see information saying Wyandottes can live up to 12 years. I don’t doubt this is true, but asking around among people who have kept Wyandottes, the oldest I was able to find was 10.
Typically, and this is true of Wyandottes, egg production reduces by about 10% each year until the age of about 8 years old when a chicken is ready to retire.
So, I’d expect a Wyandotte to lay for 8 or so years before their numbers are really starting to dwindle off.
If you’re new to raising chickens, don’t be surprised to see smaller eggs at first. These are called “pullet eggs”, as they’re laid by pullets, or point-of-lay chickens that are just maturing into laying hens.
Hens typically lay pullet eggs for about 4 weeks. They’re edible, in fact, some chefs in high-end restaurants specifically ask for pullet eggs.
This is because they tend to have brighter yolks, which looks good on a plate, and some say they have a richer taste.
Some History and Facts About Wyandotte Chickens
Wyandottes are fairly popular across the U.S. The silver-laced variety is by far the most popular and striking color with those distinctive white feathers and a black outline.
First created in the 1870s, Wyandottes are one of the “true” American breeds and were named after the indigenous Wyandot people of North America.
If you’re interested to learn more about this wonderful breed, here are some facts:
Some quick facts:
- Roosters typically weigh around 8-9 lbs
- Hens typically weigh around 6-7 lbs
- They were originally known as the American Sebright
- They have bright red rose combs
- Wyandottes are known for having docile, friendly personalities
- They are one of the quieter breeds, ideal for urban settings
Related - Read more Wyandotte facts in this post.
Varieties recognized by the American Poultry Association:
In the U.S. there are 9 colors recognized by the APA:
- Black
- Blue
- Buff
- Columbian
- Golden Laced
- Partridge
- Silver Laced
- Silver Penciled
The Poultry Club of Great Britain recognizes a few extra colors.
Where To Buy Wyandotte Chickens, Chicks, and Hatching Eggs
I buy all my chicks and other poultry-related stuff online at Cackle Hatchery. They’re NPIP registered, have been in business since 1936, and in my experience have awesome customer service.
I took a look at the time of writing this Cackle Hatchery had a good selection of varieties; black laced silver, red, golden, Columbian, as well as bantams, hatching eggs, and some other varieties.
Prices start as low as $1.95, and in my experience, they’ll get them shipped out and on your doorstep within days (depending on where you’re located, of course).
You can check out the latest prices and availability for Wyandottes by clicking here.
Are Wyandottes a Good Choice for a Backyard Breed?
Wyandottes are great choices for backyard settings and homesteads. They are large, hardy birds, which means they do just fine in the winter months. They also have a docile personality and are ideal for beginners.
They’re great layers, too. 200 or so eggs a year is a good amount. Just think, if you have just 4 in your flock, you could be handling 800 eggs a year. You’ll be popular with friends and family, that’s for sure.
If you’re taken back by their unique colorings - as most people are - go ahead and take a closer look at getting some. You won’t regret it.