The Sanjak Longcrower chicken is a dual-purpose breed, meaning that they are raised for both meat and egg production. Hens of this breed produce around 170 large white eggs each year. They rarely go broody, but when they do, they make excellent mothers.

They are named after their long, melodic crow that can last anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds.
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Sanjak Longcrower Chicken Breed Quick Info
Sanjak Longcrower Chicken Description
Sanjak Longcrower Type/Size: | Standard |
Feather Color: | Varies |
Leg Type: | Clean |
Leg Color: | Slate or yellowish-green |
Skin Color: | Unknown |
Sanjak Longcrower Ease of Raising/Keeping: | Medium |
Sanjak Longcrower Special Care Needs: | Yes |
Is the Sanjak Longcrower breed a common, rare, or protected breed of chicken? | Rare |
Sanjak Longcrower Use
Meat | Yes |
Eggs | Yes |
Dual Purpose | Yes |
Sanjak Longcrower Temperament: | Indifferent |
Sanjak Longcrower Ability/Likelihood to Free Range: | Yes |
Sanjak Longcrower Egg Production
Egg Color | White |
Egg Size | Large |
Estimated Number of Eggs Per Year | 170 |
Likeliness to Brood Eggs/Raise Chicks | Medium |
Sanjak Longcrower Meat Production
Dressed Weight Male | 7 lbs |
Dressed Weight Female | 4.25 lbs |
Sanjak Longcrower Climate Tolerance
Heat | Good |
Cold | Good |
Sanjak Longcrower Age to Maturity
Number of Months to Reach Full Size | 6 Months |
Number of Months to Start Egg Laying | 5-6 Months |
Number of Weeks/Months to Reach Meat Harvest Size | 4-6 Months |
Sanjak Longcrower Size at Maturity
Male | 10 lbs |
Female | 6 lbs |
Origins of Sanjak Longcrower Chicken
The Sanjak Longcrower is a rare breed that originated in the Sanjak region, which sits on the border of Serbia, Kosovo, and Bosnia. It is closely related to the Kosova Longcrower chicken breed.
This is an ancient breed, dating all the way back to the Ottoman Empire. It is a landrace breed whose numbers have been steadily declining as the population and needs of the region change. It remains extremely rare outside of its native region and is not common in the United States.
Some Things to Know About Sanjak Longcrower Chicken
The Sanjak Longcrower is a large bird weighing up to 10 pounds. They come in several different color varieties, including black, blue, mottled, and white.
Their long, feathered crest on top of their heads covers up their “V”-shaped comb. Their comb is red, as are their earlobes, and their legs can be a slate color or a yellowish-green.
How Easy is it to Keep Sanjak Longcrower Chickens?
Despite their large size, the Sanjak Longcrower chicken has a fairly indifferent attitude and is a submissive bird when it comes to its place in the flock. They do best when housed with chickens of a similar temperament.
However, they excel as free-range birds because they will defend their flock against predators like birds of prey. They are fierce when it comes to protecting their own. They are also excellent foragers and are hardy in all temperatures.
Special Care and Considerations for Sanjak Longcrower Chickens
The long crest feathers of the Sanjak Longcrower chicken require some special care. It is best to keep this breed indoors in a dry coop during inclement weather to prevent the crest from getting wet and freezing. The feathers also may need to be trimmed to help with their line of vision.