The Gold Sex Link chicken is a hybrid breed that is known and beloved for its high egg production. These hens are excellent layers, often producing over 300 large to extra-large brown eggs per year. They are not prone to going broody.

This breed is sex-linked, meaning that male and female chicks can be distinguished immediately after hatching due to their difference in coloring.
They mature more quickly than other chicken breeds and begin laying at a young age. Their early maturation means that they excel as meat birds, as well. They are a solid, high-producing dual-purpose breed that is a great choice for homesteaders and backyard chicken owners.
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Gold Sex Link Chicken Breed Quick Info
Gold Sex Link Chicken Description
Gold Sex Link Type/Size: | Hybrid |
Feather Color: | Golden Brown |
Leg Type: | Clean |
Leg Color: | Yellow |
Skin Color: | Yellow |
Gold Sex Link Ease of Raising/Keeping: | Easy |
Gold Sex Link Special Care Needs: | No |
Is the Gold Sex Link breed a common, rare, or protected breed of chicken? | Common |
Gold Sex Link Use
Meat | Yes |
Eggs | Yes |
Dual Purpose | Yes |
Gold Sex Link Temperament: | Active, energetic, friendly |
Gold Sex Link Ability/Likelihood to Free Range: | Yes |
Gold Sex Link Egg Production
Egg Color | Brown |
Egg Size | Large-X-Large |
Estimated Number of Eggs Per Year | 250-320 |
Likeliness to Brood Eggs/Raise Chicks | Low |
Gold Sex Link Meat Production
Dressed Weight Male | 5.25 lbs |
Dressed Weight Female | 3.75 lbs |
Gold Sex Link Climate Tolerance
Heat | Good |
Cold | Excellent |
Gold Sex Link Age to Maturity
Number of Months to Reach Full Size | 5 Months |
Number of Months to Start Egg Laying | 4-5 Months |
Number of Weeks/Months to Reach Meat Harvest Size | 4-6 Months |
Gold Sex Link Size at Maturity
Male | 7.5 lbs |
Female | 5.5 lbs |
Origins of Gold Sex Link Chicken
The Gold Sex Link chicken is a hybrid crossbreed of a Rhode Island Red rooster and a Rhode Island White hen. They were developed in the United States with the goal of creating a high-producing egg layer.
Today, they remain a popular hybrid cross and can be found on many small farms and homesteads.
Some Things to Know About Gold Sex Link Chicken
Hens of this breed as a reddish-brown with white throughout their plumage, and roosters are all white and occasionally have a sprinkling of red feathers. Both sexes have clean, yellow legs and yellow skin, along with a bright red single comb, wattles, and earlobes.
How Easy is it to Keep Gold Sex Link Chickens?
These birds are hardy and have an energetic, active temperament. They are ideal for small farms and homesteaders alike, including beginner chicken owners and backyard flock owners.
They are confident and friendly and enjoy human contact, especially if they were raised around humans as young chicks. This makes them excellent pet chickens and a great choice for families with children.
The Gold Sex Link does well as a free-range bird, as they are active foragers. They enjoy having room to roam around and will find tasty treats to snack on wherever they are allowed to wander. They are cold hardy, and do well in the winter.
Special Care and Considerations for Gold Sex Link Chickens
As with all chickens with a single comb, the Gold Sex Link is at risk of developing frostbite in the winter. You can use a swipe of vaseline to help protect their comb and wattles from freezing in low temperatures.
As a hybrid breed, the Gold Sex Link chicken does not breed true. If you would like to have a true Gold Sex Link, it is necessary to go back to the original pairing of a Rhode Island Red male and a Rhode Island White female.