The Empordanesa chicken is a Spanish breed. The black variety of this breed is dual purpose, meaning they are used for both meat and egg production. Hens lay dark brown eggs, around 160 per year, and do not often go broody.
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Empordanesa Chicken Breed Quick Info
Empordanesa Chicken Description
Empordanesa Type/Size: | Standard |
Feather Color: | Varies |
Leg Type: | Clean |
Leg Color: | Yellow |
Skin Color: | Yellow |
Empordanesa Ease of Raising/Keeping: | Easy |
Empordanesa Special Care Needs: | No |
Is the Empordanesa breed a common, rare, or protected breed of chicken? | Rare |
Empordanesa Use
Meat | Yes |
Eggs | Yes |
Dual Purpose | Yes |
Empordanesa Temperament: | Active |
Empordanesa Ability/Likelihood to Free Range: | Yes |
Empordanesa Egg Production
Egg Color | Dark Brown |
Egg Size | Medium |
Estimated Number of Eggs Per Year | 160 |
Likeliness to Brood Eggs/Raise Chicks | Low |
Empordanesa Meat Production
Dressed Weight Male | 3.75 lbs |
Dressed Weight Female | 2.75 lbs |
Empordanesa Climate Tolerance
Heat | Excellent |
Cold | Poor |
Empordanesa Age to Maturity
Number of Months to Reach Full Size | 5-6 Months |
Number of Months to Start Egg Laying | 5 Months |
Number of Weeks/Months to Reach Meat Harvest Size | 4-6 Months |
Empordanesa Size at Maturity
Male | 5.5 lbs |
Female | 4 lbs |
Origins of Empordanesa Chicken
This breed originated in the Catalonia district in Spain. Only the white variety of this breed has been brought to the United States. The breed remains rare outside of Spain. Today, they are raised as egg layers and sometimes as meat birds.
Some Things to Know About Empordanesa Chicken
Empordanesas are closely related to the Penedesenca breed. There are multiple varieties of this breed, with black being the most widely recognized. There are also partridge, wheaten, and white, among others.
Their earlobes are about 30 percent white and enclosed by red, if not entirely red. These birds have large carnation combs and clean yellow legs.
How Easy is it to Keep Empordanesa Chickens?
These chickens are perhaps the most heat-hardy breed in the world. They do not do well in cold climates, however.
They are very alert. They are wary of predators, and roosters protect their flocks, which makes them ideal free-range birds. They are not aggressive but can be skittish in enclosed spaces. They do best in a free-range situation, with plenty of room to roam and forage for food.
Special Care and Considerations for Empordanesa Chickens
Due to their large combs, Empordanesa chickens are susceptible to frostbite in the winter. This means that they are not cold hardy, and require extra care to keep their combs from freezing in low temperatures. A bit of vaseline can be used on their combs and wattles to help protect them from the cold.