If you have parakeets and chickens, you're probably wondering, can chickens eat parakeet food, and is it good for them?
The answer is that chickens can eat a small amount of parakeet food without issue.
But overall, chickens and parakeets have different dietary requirements, so they are going to need their own formulated feeds.
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Can Chickens Eat Parakeet Food?
Like a lot of other bird seed mixes and feeds, chickens can eat a small amount of parakeet food without issue.
But overall, chickens and parakeets have different dietary requirements, so they are going to need their own formulated feeds.
The main difference between chicken and parakeet food is the protein content.
Parakeets need around 12-14% protein in their diet, while chickens need around 16-18% protein depending on their age and development.
So, if you are feeding your chickens parakeet food, they are not getting enough protein and will eventually become malnourished.
This will result in your chickens becoming weak and lethargic, their plumage will suffer as feathers require a lot of protein, and hens will not lay eggs at their best.
In addition to the various vitamins and minerals chickens need, calcium is one that chickens need more than parakeets.
Laying hens require around 4-5 grams of calcium in their diet per day to maintain good health and produce eggs.
Parakeets need a lot less calcium as they're not laying eggs on a regular basis. They require just 0.15% of their diet to be calcium.
Calcium is important for chickens because it helps them develop strong bones and prevents problems like egg binding.
Egg binding is when an egg becomes stuck inside the chicken and she cannot lay it.
This is a serious problem that can often be fatal if not treated immediately.
So, while chickens can technically eat parakeet food, it's not recommended as a replacement feed as they will not be getting the right nutrients they need to stay healthy and lay eggs.
Related - Here's how to feed oyster shells to chickens as a calcium supplement.
Can Chickens Eat Budgie Food?
The answer to whether or not chickens can eat budgie food is the same as parakeet food.
There is often some misunderstanding around the difference between budgies and parakeets.
Budgies are one of around 115 different species of parakeet, so they are basically one and the same thing and eat the same feed.
In some countries, like the US, people tend to use the word Parakeet, while in other countries and parts of the world like Europe, people tend to call their birds budgies.
So, the answer is that chickens can eat a little budgie food as a treat, but it shouldn't replace their own feed or make up a substantial amount of their diet.
Do Chickens Like Bird Seeds?
Chickens are omnivores, so they will eat pretty much anything.
This includes seeds, fruits, vegetables, insects, and even small rodents or lizards.
So, if you're wondering if chickens like bird seeds, the answer is that some chickens will and others won't.
It really depends on the chicken's individual personality.
Some chickens will go crazy for bird seeds and others will completely ignore them.
I've often heard it said that chickens are smart animals and will only eat what they know is good for them.
This isn't completely true, plus, when keeping chickens as backyard pets it's up to us to make sure we're putting all of the right foods in front of them.
Therefore, while most chickens will happily gobble up bird seed if you make it available and it won't do much harm, it's not ideal for them!
My advice is to keep the wild bird seed in a bird seed feeder where chickens can't reach it!
Treat Foods that Are Fine for Chickens to Eat
While chickens shouldn't eat too many treats, there are some that they can have on occasion.
Some examples of treat foods that are fine for chickens to eat include:
- Cooked rice
- Oats
- Pasta
- Vegetables like carrots, celery, and broccoli
- Fruit like apples, berries, and bananas
- Cooked beans
- Sunflower seeds
- Nuts like peanuts and almonds
Just be sure that any treat foods you give to your chickens are cooked as raw grains, beans, and nuts can contain harmful bacteria.
You should also avoid feeding your chickens treats that are high in sugar as this can lead to health problems like obesity.
A good rule of thumb is to only give your chickens treats that make up no more than ten percent of their diet.
Foods You Should Never Give Your Chickens
There are also some foods that you should never give your chickens as they can be toxic to them.
Some examples of foods you should never give your chickens include:
- Avocados
- Caffeine
- Chocolate
- Green potatoes or tomatoes
- Moldy or spoiled food
- Onions
- Raw beans
- Sugary drinks like soda
Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list and there are other foods that you should avoid feeding your chickens.
If you're unsure about a particular food, it's always best to err on the side of caution and not give it to them.
In Summary
The bottom line is that chickens can technically eat parakeet food, but it's not recommended as a replacement feed or anything more than just an occasional treat.
Chickens aren't fussy, they're omnivores and will eat pretty much anything, including seeds, fruits, vegetables, insects, and even small rodents or lizards.
Most of these things are fine, but it's up to us to make sure our backyard chickens are getting a good balance of all the nutrition they need in their diets!