The Black Sex Link chicken is a high-producing egg-laying hybrid breed. Hens produce a whopping 250 to 300 large brown eggs per year and are not prone to going broody.

This breed is sex-linked, meaning that you can easily distinguish between male and female chicks immediately after hatching. This is due to their distinct coloring. Male chicks will have a single white dot on the top of their heads.
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How to Buy Online Black Sex Link Chickens
Black Sex Link Chicks As low as: $2.55 - Read reviews
Black Sex Link Chicken Breed Quick Info
Black Sex Link Chicken Description
Black Sex Link Type/Size: | Hybrid |
Feather Color: | Black with red |
Leg Type: | Clean |
Leg Color: | Black |
Skin Color: | Yellow |
Black Sex Link Ease of Raising/Keeping: | Easy |
Black Sex Link Special Care Needs: | No |
Is the Black Sex Link breed a common, rare, or protected breed of chicken? | Common |
Black Sex Link Use
Meat | Yes |
Eggs | Yes |
Dual Purpose | Yes |
Black Sex Link Temperament: | Friendly, active, skittish |
Black Sex Link Ability/Likelihood to Free Range: | Yes |
Black Sex Link Egg Production
Egg Color | Brown |
Egg Size | Large |
Estimated Number of Eggs Per Year | 250-300 |
Likeliness to Brood Eggs/Raise Chicks | Low |
Black Sex Link Meat Production
Dressed Weight Male | 5.5 lbs |
Dressed Weight Female | 4.25 lbs |
Black Sex Link Climate Tolerance
Heat | Good |
Cold | Excellent |
Black Sex Link Age to Maturity
Number of Months to Reach Full Size | 5-6 Months |
Number of Months to Start Egg Laying | 5 Months |
Number of Weeks/Months to Reach Meat Harvest Size | 4-6 Months |
Black Sex Link Size at Maturity
Male | 8 lbs |
Female | 6 lbs |
Origins of Black Sex Link Chicken
The Black Sex Link chicken (also known as the “Black Star”) has existed in the poultry world since the 1950s. This hybrid breed was originally developed to meet a growing demand for eggs in grocery stores as the population grew in the 1950s.
They are a cross between a Barred Plymouth Rock hen and a New Hampshire Red or Rhode Island Red rooster. Today, they are somewhat rare but can still be found on small farms and homesteads.
Some Things to Know About Black Sex Link Chicken
Hens of this breed are mostly black with some red plumage around their necks. Roosters look similar to the Barred Rock chicken breed, with some red feathers mixed into their plumage.
They have a red single comb and wattles, with clean black legs and yellow skin.
How Easy is it to Keep Black Sex Link Chickens?
The Black Sex Link chicken breed is easy to raise and take care of. They have a sweet, docile temperament that makes them perfect pet birds for beginner chicken owners and those with children.
They do well in free-range settings, although their friendly nature can make them susceptible to predator attacks. Since they can be too trusting, supervision or a guardian animal, like a dog, can help to keep them safe.
This breed should also be kept in a flock with similar-tempered chickens to avoid bullying from more aggressive breeds. They are also known to be quite loud, which means they are not ideal for urban or suburban settings where neighbors are close by.
Special Care and Considerations for Black Sex Link Chickens
As with all chickens with a single comb, the Black Sex Link chicken is at risk of developing frostbite in the wintertime. You can use a swipe of vaseline to help protect their comb and wattles from freezing in low temperatures.
Hens can also slow down or stop laying in the winter. To keep their egg production up, be sure to provide them with a warm coop to roost in and feed them high-protein feed that is meant to boost egg production.